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width: 100%; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .company{ width:100%; border-bottom: 1px #e6e6e6 dashed; overflow:hidden; padding: 0.4rem 0; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .company:last-child{ border: none; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .com_p{ width: 3.9rem; margin: 0 auto 0.2rem; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .com_p img{ width: 3.9rem; height: 1.56rem; height: 100%; margin-bottom:0.2rem; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .com_t{ padding-left:0.3rem; width: 100%; color: #858585; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .com_t div{ overflow: hidden; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .com_t span{ padding-left:4em; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .com_t h6{ width: 100%; color: #0068b7; font-size: 0.33rem; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.5; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .com_t p{ line-height: 1.5; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .com_t p.left{ float: left; width: 0.9rem; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap .com_t p.right{ float: left; width: 7.0rem; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap.en_page .com_t p.left { float: left; width: 1.2rem; } .is_mobile .dls_wrap.en_page .com_t p.right { float: left; width: 6.7rem; 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